Supertourisme[/S], and driven by Laurent Aïello and Philippe Alliot. The cars would often be switched between the drivers so it is not known which driver used which specific chassis at which races, although there is evidence to suggest that this chassis was primarily used by Alliot.In 1996, this and the sister car (PS 95-01), plus the disassembled PS 95-03 were purchased by Ernst Wiedmer.
Between 1996-1998, Wiedmer drove the car in the Swiss Supertouring series, plus the occasional outing in the French championship.
Both PS 95-01 and PS 95-02 were sold in 2004 to Markus Kölliker, who went on to sell this car to Frederic Wuattier, and in 2005 the car was run in the French Sprint Moderne series.
In 2006 teh car was sold to Fabrice Oulevey.